Tag Archives: php

Backend Web Servers For Mobile Apps, Using PHP and CakePHP

All my apps run from a web server, using special technology. The server actually is a membership site. It has one or more admins, and it also has users, guests and any other kind of user roles that the app … Continue reading

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How To Rewrite Buzztouch Apps in Flutter

This article is about rewriting Buzztouch apps using Flutter as the framework of choice. It will be highly technical in content, so if you only want an old app rewritten, without actually knowing how it is done, let me know … Continue reading

Posted in apps server, Programming, Android, Apps As a Business | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Milestones Approach to Developing Mobile Apps With Flutter

The Milestones Approach to Developing Mobile Apps With Flutter Milestone 1 — Creating Flutter Project From scratch Besides from, obviusly, creating a basic Flutter project to start with, in this phase we gather all data files in one place. Images … Continue reading

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Change real_escape_string to mysqli_real_escape_string for Function safeEscapeString in PHP 7.0

This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series PHP Programming

I often use function safeEscapeString fromĀ  in my PHP projects. It helps sustain the integrity of data coming to and from MySQL or similar database. However, if the code ran on PHP 5.4 or 5.6 at the highest, and I … Continue reading

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Best CMS To Have Members, Forum and Chat

What would be the best software to build a site with members, forums and chat? Here is my answer. You have many options and here I will outline just a few. 1) Use WordPress It is the most popular CMS … Continue reading

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