Ambient Music New — A New App, With A New Video Plugin

I have a new app, called Ambient Music New:

If you want to listen to non-intrusive music while you do something else, this Android app is for you. (See the description below.)

From the programmer’s point of view, there are two enhancements to brag about. My plugin called DS_awlProOperaMusic is based on CM_awlPro from the plugin market, however, it adds the

— ability to listen to the entire playlist with one tap of a button, and it introduces

— several commands besides the video playing. You can stop and and pause the video, direct it to an absolute count of seconds within the video, you see the name of the video playing, and you can choose another video to play without stopping the current video.

Here is what the first screen looks like:

The first, the playlist screen of Ambient Musid New app

The first, the playlist screen of Ambient Musid New app

There are separate screens for vertical and horizontal layout. Let us now show the horizontal layout first.

When you tap on a music row in that screen, the video starts playing:



The video starts playing. You see both the video and the surrounding commands.

The video starts playing. You see both the video and the surrounding commands.

When you tap the thin line to the right, you get the list of all other videos to play, so you can select the next video right there, without going to the main menu at all.

The plugin supports three different styles of the player. The first is the default style:

The default style of the video player offers the possibility to play the video full screen.

The default style of the video player offers the possibility to play the video full screen.

This is the minimal player style:

The minimal style player.

The minimal style player.

And finally, there’s the chromeless style:

The chromeless style of video player.

The chromeless style of video player.

The Options button shows the main options from the main menu screen:

Additional options from the Options button on the main menu screen.

Additional options from the Options button on the main menu screen.

Pressing App Policies option will get you a screen like this:

A relatively "normal" menu screen for app policies, leading to screen documents.

A relatively “normal” menu screen for app policies, leading to screen documents.

Of course, there the vertical shots too:

Vertical view of the main playlist screen.

Vertical view of the main playlist screen.

I shall not repeat all of them, but here is another shot, to choose the next video to watch, vertically:

Vertical view of selecting the next video to play.

Vertical view of selecting the next video to play.

Re-skinning This App

This is the simplest possible YouTube displaying app.

This app lends itself well to skinning and re-skinning, and of course, the hallmark of all my Android apps — AdMob banners everywhere, with some (rare) interstitials.

This one app will not make me rich, however, a multitude of these apps will add up, little by little. If you know what people want on YouTube, and if you are careful enough to choose only videos with the standard YT licence, you can get the source code for an app like this from me, for $97, including support. I now accept PayPal.

Meanwhile, download the app, it really is peaceful and relaxing!

If you want to critique the app, let me know through email:

Here is the

Formal Description of the Ambient Music New

Relaxing music on your phone or tablet, new from 14 May 2015.
With this app, you will calm down yourself, study better, de-stress yourself, and get more sleep.

The main screen is Ambient Music. You will have the following tracks:

Three Hours of Ambient Music
RELAX TV 3 Hours of Relaxing Music, Nature Sounds, Ambient Sleep
Channel LoungeVstudio, 180 minutes

Relax Daily Project
Slow Background Music Instrumentals – soothing, calming, positive
Channel relaxdaily, 56 minutes

Guitar Music for Relaxation
Instrumental Guitar Music ? Meditation, Relaxation, Yoga, Work, Workout
Channel Jack Francis, 68 minutes

Relaxing Sounds – Zen –
Chinese Bamboo Flute with Nature Sounds

Piano Ambient Music
Bruno Sanfilippo & Mathias Grassow – Ambient music
Channel Bruno Sanfilippo, 57 minutes

Guitar — Still Waters
RELAX: Relaxing Music, Meditation Music, Sleep Music (Still Waters)
Channel Alex Bett, 57 minutes

Relaxation Piano Music
Relaxation Piano Music II – Grieg, Beethoven, Chopin & Others
Channel Kamibambiraptor, 82 minutes


Download Our Other Apps
We have other similar apps, with opera music, relaxing sounds of nature, Canzoni Italiane, Napolitan Songs, medical apps and many others.

App Policies
We do not hold copyright to the works that we have chosen for this selection of videos from YouTube.

If you want quality ambient music, this app will save you time. These are all videos from YouTube, however, personally picked and problem free. Although there is a good deal of high level Java programming going on behind the scene, you won’t notice it. To enjoy the music, just select the track you want, or, with the Play All button, play all the tracks in a row. Excellent if you study!

Download this app only if you want to relax and do something else while the ambient music is calming everything around you.

This is our choice of ambient music from YouTube. You can go to YouTube directly, that is true, but having it all in an app, within two or three taps is very convenient and beats entering naked YouTube links hands down. This app is for true ambient music lovers, not for technical buffs!

Added banner ads as well as (rare) interstitial ads.

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